About Us
Are you dealing with hair breakage? Or are you losing more than you bargained for?
What can you do about it?
I'm EIna Cordon, the CEO of Time to Bright, LLC. July 15, 2014 is a date I will never forget. I had a terrible accident that caused my hair to break off, I used all kinds of products and couldn't get the results I was looking for. My hair was falling out so fast that I was desperate. One day I came up with the idea of creating my own product. I informed myself, contacted with experts in the area of Bioanalyst, together we found the right formula and it worked perfectly. From there came the idea to share my experience with other women desperate as I was with hair loss, so I created Pesky Hair !
Is your hair dry, damaged or falling out a lot? It's important to remember that you can moisturize, strengthen and restore your strands with the right hair care regimen. That's why Pesky Hair offers the newest and most complete hair care regimen. This product will help your hair gain or regain strength, stop falling out and look beautiful, so give it a try and you won't regret it.
With Pesky Hair Your hair, your happiness
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